​ Current Offerings​​
Engaging lectures accompanied by fabulous images
Garden History Topics
Beyond the Potted Palm: How Victorians Gave us House Plants
​The Victorian Era was also England's Golden Age of Plant Exploration. It was a time when the public's growing interest in natural history and their obsession with "collecting" came together around plants. The variety of house plants available for purchase burgeoned during Queen Victoria's reign. Ever after, Brits and we Americans have been in love with them. Not only can house plants compliment and enhance any room's decor, but NASA studies confirm their ability to remove indoor air pollution. Learn about many of the plants that populated Victorian parlors, how to care for them and simple ways to bring a Victorian touch to plantscaping your home. 60 minutes.
Mini craft add on - Combine two Victorian crazes in one craft. Embellish the lip of a terracotta pot with a variety of tiny seashells. Then, plant it with a Queen Victoria approved fern. Add a touch of shabby chic to your plant assemblage! 30 minutes.
Josephine - The Empress Gardened
French Empress Josephine’s fine taste informed 18th and 19th century style, from couture fashion to interior design. Likewise, was she influenced by her Caribbean heritage, her narrow escape from the guillotine, and her legendary love for flowers. When divorced from her husband, Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, this powerful style-maker and lifelong fashionista focused her energies on her estate, Malmaison. There, Josephine’s passion for plants grew and bloomed. Her legendary love of roses stopped a war, cost a fortune, set explorers to sail, and started a floral industry that endures today. 60 minutes.
Mini craft add on - Depending on the month, make either a rose-based beauty or culinary product. From June through September, make lovely and tasty crystallized rose petals to grace your baked goods. From October - May, create your own Rose Bath Salts that even stylish Josephine would have liked for her dressing table. 30 minutes.
Suitable for Framing: A Victorian Woman's Place in Botanic Art & Illustration
In 1834, when renowned British botanist John Lindley wrote "A Ladies Botany", he did so to block women from, not welcome them into, the academic world of horticulture. Learn how women figured it out anyway and managed to contribute to science, influence public taste and advance their own craft. The Victorian artists featured range from rebels to spinsters, suffragettes to missionary wives and are highlighted with strikingly beautiful imagery and humor.
60 minutes. Mini craft add on - Many of these notable woman artists embraced the beauty of mushrooms, as unique and quirky as they were. First, learn how to make a mushroom spore print as they would have done. Then, practice stamping mushrooms onto heavy stock to create a set of three distinctive note cards. 30 minutes.
Bring the Bard to your Yard: Gardening in the Age of Elizabeth I
History's greatest playwright was also one heck of a gardener. The age of Elizabeth I provided William Shakespeare with a rich and varied plant palette, both from England' s considerable bounty and foreign introductions. These he "planted" in his prolific contributions to English literature, and they still bloom today in language filled with plant lore and flower symbolism. Learn Elizabeth I's role in the advancement of English horticulture and peruse Elizabethan garden elements including mazes, knots, fantastical topiary and the pleached bower to add to your garden. Explore some Tudor and Shakespearean gardens in the UK and the USA to visit for inspiration. Turns out, the world's not only a stage, it's also a garden! 60 minutes.
Mini craft add on - Tussie mussies were all the rage in Elizabethan times. While learning the meaning of the flowers according to floriography (the language of flowers) make this tiny bouquet. Then surround it with a Shakespearean doily and wrap it with a ribbon. Now, hold it to your nose and breathe deeply. 30 minutes.
Medicinal Plants of the Civil War
Could plants have played a role in the outcome of the Civil War? Learn how important plants were in every aspect of this conflict, on battlefields and home fronts of both the North and the South. Over 30 plants are discussed and their medicinal properties noted. "Receipts," or recipes are included for popular herbal remedies such as horehound lozenges and witch hazel tonic. The history of patent medicines is explored and you will meet one of America's most important poets, the first African American physician and the man who revolutionized medical texts. Audiences are often surprised to see how many "Civil War" plants they are already growing, and the haunting historic images create a compelling tale of interest to history buffs as well as gardeners.
60 minutes.
Mini craft add on - Everyone sported a cockade in Civil War times. This ribboned rosette declaring your allegiance to a side, a cause, or an individual was pinned to your hat, or your chest, or your wrist and worn with pride. Choosing from an assortment of ribbons and do-dads, you will create your very own wearable art emblem. 30 minutes.
The Real Housewives of New Jersey: Early American Women and Their Kitchen Gardens
Kitchen gardens in the 1700's fed, healed, and clothed Early American families. The 18th century "huswife" skill set included "physicke, cookery, distillation, perfumery, the making of wool, hemp, flax, dayries, brewing, baking," and, of course - gardening. Growing plants both Native American and from their homelands, these women turned their soup pots into the "melting pot" that is America and exemplified all the best qualities of plantswomen and patriots.
60 minutes.
Mini craft add on - Early American housewives had a surprising number of spices available to them. Combine just the right ones to make a powdered mix for adding to your hot apple cider. Your set of three mulling sachets will be tasty, fragrant, and warming! 30 minutes.
We Grew it Here: 100 Years of New Jersey's Horticultural History
Think New Jersey only grows tomatoes? Think again. New Jersey was once the pinnacle for peaches, the ultimate for orchids, the tops for turf. 19th century New Jersey plant nurseries led the nation with their innovative breeding, greenhouse, field, and marketing techniques. Meet the horticultural superstars who made New Jersey their home. Impresarios, hermits, academics, politicos and a cast of unlikely characters will make you a believer
that yes, New Jersey is the "Garden State."
60 minutes
Mini craft add on - Make like a "piney" (resident of New Jersey's Pineland region) and make a holiday ornament from natural materials much like
those fashioned in the 1800's.
Late Bloomers: Ladies of a Certain Age in the Garden
Some women begin their gardening lives early, their hands in the soil as children. Others come to the garden after careers, divorces, motherhood, empty-nesting, widowhood, and menopause. In this inspiring, historically wide-ranging talk you'll meet some "Late Bloomers" who, when life threw
them a wild pitch, instead of throwing in the towel, chose to pick up a trowel. What brings a woman to gardening late in life and what can she possibly accomplish? Prepare to be astounded at the famous and the forgotten late bloomers who left a green and enduring legacy.
60 minutes
Plant-Centric Topics
Plants of the Bible for your New Jersey Garden
The Old and New Testament are filled with references to plants, many of which will grow here in New Jersey. These, like the Cedar of Lebanon tree, as well as plants used in biblical times, like flax, and plants whose names have a biblical association, like the 'Joseph's Coat of Many Colors' rose, are all highlighted in this talk. You can bring meaningful symbolism, remember a favorite passage, or be reminded of stories from the Bible in your garden. We'll also "visit" some Bible Gardens near our area. Every garden needs periodic refreshing, and these plant suggestions add more than mere surface beauty.
60 minutes
Growing Great Garlic
Ancient Egyptians swore oaths on heads of garlic, early Olympic athletes consumed copious quantities of it, and WW I soldiers used it as an antibiotic. Now however, garlic is a star ingredient in just about every culture's cuisine. So, why not grow your own great garlic? Learn about the various kinds of garlic, and which are best for your cooking style. We'll cover soil preparation, foolproof planting instructions, winter care, spring care and summer care, important garlic harvest tips, curing and storage. A list of garlic vendors will be provided along with information on great cultivars to grow.
60 minutes
Drama Queens: Dark Beauties for your Garden
Defined as "the absence of color," black in its many hues can highlight, offset and dramatize every real color in your garden. Understand how to use black hued plants for maximum impact . Over 75 dark beauties, including annuals, perennials, vines, trees and shrubs are featured in this compendium of powerful plants. We'll cover their habit and culture, and a useful plant list is provided. To create rhythm, punctuate place, outline areas and focus the eye, nothing works like black. Keep the drama out of your house, and in the garden!
60 minutes
Simply DeVine: The Charm and Surprise of Annual Vines
Vines can be effective screens, provide vertical interest, maintain shade for under plantings and bring color and fragrance where you want it. Annual vines can grow up to 20’ long in a single season. This class is recommended for seasoned gardeners with some seed starting experience. Learn about a cadre of start-from-seed annual vines, design tips for using them in your landscape and who they will attract. Beautiful, fragrant, pollinator-attracting - add some charm and surprise to your garden.
60 minutes
The Final Act: Your Autumn Garden
There's no reason to simply succumb to pumpkins and potted mums come fall. Learn how to extend your garden's floristic display by including plants that bloom from August through November. A selection of perennials, shrubs and trees which come into their own in autumn will be explored and a detailed plant list provided. Develop a plan to succeed with successive New Jersey appropriate blooms for a fabulous garden "final act" and save those pumpkins for pie!
60 minutes
A rapid fire illustrated talk, followed by an only slightly chaotic hands-on garden project
Into Thin Air: Getting Started with Air Plants - for groups of 30 maximum
Unlike the rest of the plant world, air plants are epiphytic. That means they live on tree branches or other plant parts that are not in the ground.
Learn about this mysterious and otherworldly looking family of plants that does not need soil to survive. Explore the different types, learn what
each one needs to thrive, find just the right way to display your air plant. Then, make a twisted wire and rock holder to exhibit your new plant
friend on and take them home.
Pteridomania: The Victorian Love of Ferns - for groups of 30 maximum
What was behind the Victorian love of ferns, pteridomania, which at its height threatened the native fern population of England? We'll learn all about the Victorian collecting crazes and which ferns are best for New Jersey pteridomaniacs. Then, we'll craft a Victorian-style shell pot to
hold a tiny fern for your home.
90 minutes
Lettuce Begin: A Lettuce Workshop
for groups of 10-20 in February - April or August - September
Learn the history of lettuce from early Egypt, why Roman chef Epicus watered his lettuce with wine, how come Peter, Flopsy and Mopsy were always asleep in the carrot patch, and everything you need to grow this easy and healthy crop. We'll cover lettuce types, site selection, seed starting, IPM and pest control, historic recipes, and seed saving Then, plant a flat of unusual lettuce cultivars for your spring or fall garden.
90 minutes
Plant a Herbal Filled Strawberry Jar
for groups of 10-20 in April-May
If you don't have a big herb garden, try an easy to care for and portable strawberry jar that will grow chockablock with herbs. Success is guaranteed with a special watering tube and just the right soil mix. Basil, oregano, sage, thyme and other flavorful herbs are provided, along with the soil mix, watering tube, and 5 hole terracotta cotta strawberry jar.
90 minutes
Herbal Vinegar Workshop
for groups of 10-20 in July - September
Capture summer’s bounty for your pantry in this hands-on workshop in which every participant will make 2 bottles of herbal vinegar. Herbal vinegar can be used in salad dressings, marinades, pickling, velveting, gravlax, sushi rice, all kinds of refreshing summer drinks and even desserts (think grilled peaches drizzled with lavender balsamic vinegar) Add layers of flavor to your cooking with this easy to master skill Learn how to harvest herbs and prepare them, what equipment to use, savvy techniques and tips, and proper storage. A recipe handout is provided. 90 minutes
Saving the Flavor - Every Last Bit
for groups of 10-20 in July - September
What to do with all those herbs at the end of the season? Learn how to dry, freeze, and dehydrate your herbs as well as how to prepare perennial herbs for the long winter ahead. Which herbs can you take cuttings of to grow in water inside on a sunny windowsill? How do you make herbal butter, herbal sugar, herbal syrup, herbal salt and candied edible flowers? Get the answers as you sample all of these delicious herbal treats. Get ready to get busy in your late summer herb garden!
Please email me to discuss fees and travel arrangements.